What is website hosting?
Website hosting (Web hosting) is the ability to store your website in a computer where is can be access by people around the world through the internet (World Wide Web).
Real world analogy(comparison) of the concept of web hosting
Imagine you want to start a local grocery shop.
You would need to consider a location and a space
- where you would be based
- to store your items and
- where potential customers would be able to find what you provide (in this case, a website showcasing your products/services).
So given that your products/information about your service offerings would need to be placed in a physical location where people can come to and view them or reach out to you in the physical world, the same goes for the digital world.
You would need a website/application where people can interact with your business through the internet, and the website needs to be stored in a physical location(a web server/web hosing account) . Hence people can virtually(on your website, through the internet) see what you have on offer.
Continuing with the analogy of a shop owner, you would then need an address (in the case of a website, this would be your domain name) that would make it possible for potential customers to find you.
So you need to register a domain name which would be your website address that when people type into their web browser, it would show them your website (a window/display of what you have on offer).
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