Serveur Lime

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Nom de domaine
£ 10.93 per year
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Gestionnaire de domaine gratuit

Démo en direct - option de verrouillage, modifier le Whois, modifier les serveurs de noms, enregistrements DNS personnalisés, Redirection d'URL, etc.

Order DE Domains @ £10.93/an

If you intend to register a famous domain name, you should consider the .DE TLD extension – il’s the most famous ccTLD in the EU and one of the most famous Top-Level Domains in the world. And with us at Lime Server, you can register or transfer a .DE domain at a low price and obtain a free domain administration interface.

Get Your .DE Domain from Lime Server

Avec le serveur Lime, you can register a .DE domaine for up to 10 years in advance. Our Domain Manager tool, which covers all aspects of domain administration, enables you to update your WHOIS info, to create custom DNS entries, to modify your domains MX, UNE, AAAA, N.-É., CNAME, TXT and SRV records, and much more. Our hébergement Web platform is powered by the compelling combo of Linux and Apache, which allows us to offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

.DE Specification

Registration period: 1 an
Transfer option: Yes
Modifier le WHOIS: Yes
Protection d'identité: No

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