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HogarArtículos de alojamientoExplicación de las soluciones de alojamiento web

Explicación de las soluciones de alojamiento web

There are several distinct types of alojamiento web servicios, all of them originating from the different requirements of the clients – shared web hosting plans, VPS packages, dedicated server hosting packages. They vary in terms of cost, server architecture and the possibility to host more elaborate web sites, but eventually they all offer the same fundamental service – a place on the Internet where one can host his files, which are then made visible online.

Lime Server Web Hosting Packages Examined in Detail

Alojamiento inicial
50000 MEGABYTE almacenamiento
3000 ES ancho de banda
1 sitio web alojado
30-Prueba gratuita de un día
£2.99 / mes
Ilimitado almacenamiento
Ilimitado ancho de banda
Ilimitado sitios web alojados
30-Prueba gratuita de un día
£10.84 / mes

The general-purpose web hosting packages offered by Lime Server come with 30-day money-back and ninety-nine point nine percent server uptime guarantees. Your web hosting account is momentarily activated and you do not have to pay any registration fees.

All web hosting packages include the automated Popular PHP Scripts Installer tool (weblog, message board, Content Management System, photo album, shopping cart, etc. free PHP scripts are available); PHP 4/5/7 and MySQL 5 apoyo; spam, anti-virus and sender address forgery protection for your email boxes; DNS administration options and many, many more highly helpful features. On the whole, there are over 130 features included with every web hosting package! Well now, ain’t that something?

Lime Server – a Stride into the Future

So as to make this review more comprehensive, I’ll inform you about the advanced features that make Lime Server stand out from the rest. Lime Server is one of the first hosting corporations to offer an actual cloud web hosting service. This means that your files, databases, emails, etc. are not hosted on one single and hence unsafe server machine, but are cleverly distributed across multiple cloud web hosting servers (nodes), thus diminishing the load and offering you a fantastic experience. Plus, owing to its cutting-edge cloud web hosting platform, Lime Server can provide you with a top-quality web hosting service at an amazingly affordable price.


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